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Teens 7th – 12th Grade

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The VOS JEWELS Teen & Intergenerational Program is dedicated to fostering meaningful connections between Jewish teens (7th-12th Grade) and senior congregants.


Our gatherings, led by Rabbi Li-Paz and our Teen Director, offer a wide range of experiences encompassing the celebration of Jewish holidays, Shabbat, Social Action, cooking traditional Jewish foods, Israeli dancing, and engaging discussions on Jewish values. Our teens will further bond through fun activities such as bowling, Dave & Busters, Sky High, retreats and more.


Our Teen and Intergenerational Program convenes twice a month—once exclusively for teens and once bringing together teens and their senior partners.



Meet Neta:
Our New Teen Director

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My background includes working as an attorney from Tel Aviv, Israel, and studying law, business, and marketing at Reichman University before recently graduating with an LLM in Dispute Resolution f.jpg

Upcoming Events with Neta

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Registration for New Families
Contact Sharone Weizman at
or at
818-882-4867 x108

Registration for Returning Families

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